Little did we know last February that we were lucky to be able to hold our Annual Meeting and that everything would dramatically change for the rest of the year. As usual, I went to my forecast of what we would see happen in 2020 in my Preview delivered at the previous Annual meeting to see how we had progressed. Suffice to say we have been consumed with the virus and all the changes it has made in our lives since early March.
A few items of interest –
The challenge by some to change the slow speed/no wake zone of 500 feet at Jaycee park to something less failed, saving the safety of our young swimmers and sailors.
Early on we had to make a decision about holding our Annual meeting in February 2021. The Chapel was not open and had been reconfigured and it takes a number of months to prepare all the materials necessary for the Annual Membership mailing as we always announce the meeting date in the letter that goes out in early December. We made the hard decision in September and believe that, under current circumstances, we made the right decision.
It appears that the City has extended the motorized scooter program for now. We understand that it is not a final decision. At last year’s Annual meeting SBA members present voted 10-1 in opposition to the program.
The Short Term/Vacation rental issue continued to blossom. There is much said by both sides at the State level. There is still an effort to continue to diminish Home Rule by not allowing Municipalities to regulate their rental market in ways that satisfy their local conditions. The City has made progress by beginning the formulation of a Task Force to vigorously evaluate Conditional Use applications before they move to the Planning Board level. It has not been activated yet but will be coming soon and may alleviate some of the concerns.
Still happening over the year – not stopped but may have been slowed –
* Progress on King’s Landing being developed by Audubon – watch for site plans before the Commission soon.
*Fisherman’s Wharf development and selection of a developer. It is seeming taking forever to rebuild the boat ramp
*Seaplane Base and service near the Riverwalk Center.
*Progress on the Mega Yacht Port. There has been an update to the Port Master Plan pointing toward the total development in the future.
Sadly, progress on the removal of the Wastewater Treatment Plant on beach property has gone the way it has in the past (how many years have I said that?). Even the scheduling of a joint meeting with the City, County and FPUA in January 2021 was cancelled. I can remember spending a day at a charrette planning for the future of this property in 2015. Sad.