Since taking on the assignment as liaison with Code Enforcement, I have focused first on establishing a relationship with the Enforcement Officer, Isaac Saucedo, assigned primarily to the South Beach area. Isaac and I are in regular communication and sometimes meet at sites under discussion. His schedule includes weekend hours as well as normal work week hours, which has been helpful in addressing some issues that arise during active weekends. I have found him to be responsive, thorough, and professional. We have engaged in some debate over Code Enforcement policy guidance and he has not hesitated to seek review within the department when I raise questions. In 2015 I hope to increase contact with the department to get better educated on city policy guidelines, enforcement criteria, and solution of some ongoing issues.
Code Enforcement was quite active in South Beach in 2014. At the risk of providing too much dry data, I would offer the following summary:
- 66 locations on 22 different streets received a total of 93 complaints in 2014.
- 82 were voluntarily brought into compliance or cleared by the offender.
- 3 were brought into compliance involuntarily by the city, all lot clearing or mowing.
- 8 remain in active status, six of which are on the same address on Thumb Point.
Of the 93 complaints issued:
- 34 were for lot clearance or landscape maintenance.
- 12 were vehicle related including inoperable vehicles or illegal storage or parking.
- 10 were improper outside storage of property, trash, etc.
- 9 were property maintenance other than landscape or yard issues.
- 5 related to business licensing or tax certificates.
- 4 were nuisance complaints.
- 3 were improper lighting during turtle season, all on Surfside.
- 16 were miscellaneous issues including graffiti removal, stagnant water on site, sign violations, notices with no further action, etc.
There are a couple of issues raised by me and/or others open and being discussed, including parking issues in Jetty Park and on surrounding lots and streets, advertising sign issues that test when “business friendly” goes too far and adversely impacts community appearance and standards, and the responsibility for and ability to enforce some requirements. Every effort is being made to balance strict code enforcement against the temporary nature of some seasonal issues as people arrive and depart and to ensure uniform and equitable support of local businesses that might have different priorities. The goal is rational interpretation of requirements and enforcement with city policies, guidelines and standards in mind.
You can contact Code Enforcement with any complaint, but if you channel your issues thru me I maintain records, follow up, and report on progress regularly. An email address for me is on the Association web site or I can be contacted at or at 772-285-1755.