Mobile Food Vendors on South Beach

Yes, it really has been 10 months since we first notified you of the pending City Ordinance to allow Mobile Food Vendors (trucks and carts) on an all day, everyday basis at specific locations throughout the City including South Beach.

<Click here> to read the Original Newsletter on the issue.

We have been informed that the Ordinance will be on the City Commission agenda on Monday, August 4, 2014 for first reading and Monday August 18, 2014 for second reading.  The meetings start at 6:30pm at City Hall.

<Click here> to read the entire Ordinance and Resolution.

Note that the specific locations on the beach are found in the pictures included in the Resolution.

Our position has not changed.  Many of you responded to our first Newsletter – the overwhelming majority supporting the Board’s position.  When we asked for a show of hands by those in favor of having Mobile Food Trucks/Carts on the beach at the Annual Meeting in February 2014, only one hand was raised out of over 150 people in attendance.

The safety factors at the selected locations on the beach are of real concern.  A1A is a two-lane road with bike paths and sidewalks on both sides.  It is a busy main thoroughfare on the Island.  Each location is very close to a public park on A1A with young children and families in attendance.  In addition, we have a strong commitment to our existing restaurants and food service businesses that have survived the A1A project.

Now it is up to you.  If you wish to have your position count you have to show up at the Commission meeting on August 4th for the first reading and be willing to speak.

If you have any comments or questions please contact Carole Mushier by email at or call 461-0430.